Folded Arms


Today was so special! Finn not only folded his arms to get ready to pray for breakfast (which he has been doing for 1-2 weeks now), but he folded his arms even after the prayer. It was like he was telling me, I missed something, forgot to be thankful, forgot to ask for someone to be blessed or something. So, we prayed 5 times for breakfast. It was awesome! It's humbling to see how he learns things, how his little spirit knows what is right. Persistence also pays off even if sometimes he's leaning over his chair before a prayer, we now know he is still learning it. We sometimes can't believe it, such cute little chubby hands and arms. I sometimes peek at Clark and him while praying to see if Finn still has his arms folded. Melts my heart! To see both of them with their arms folded. What a great example Clark sets for our son. Sometimes Finn does have his arms folded and sometimes he doesn't. Which is okay, so long as we keep doing it ourselves. He really does teach us to be better people too. I can't say for Clark but honestly, I don't think I've ever prayed this much in a day before and it feels great to do it. Highly recommended for the future. T2MHF4: Eyes which let me see Finn fold his little arms in prayer along side his Dad. It just brings me so much closer to my sweet family.

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE when they start learning about prayer and how to fold arms. I was in the nursery for a year and it was so fun to watch them learn how to fold arms and then onto prayers!!!
