Halloween Night
For Halloween Clark & I went to Ty & Becca’s house. Clark went with Ty & the boys trick-or-treating & I stayed with Becca giving out the candy to the kids which came to the door. Some of the kids could pass as adults, I think some of them were. But it doesn’t matter cause they had a ton of candy left anyways. mmmm candy. It was really cold outside so needless to say the Boys didn’t enjoy it as much as they will later in life. The Star Wars Trio.
Becca made some amazing cheese potato soup and carmel & chocolate covered apples. It was soooo good. I had to cut the apple to eat it though, because otherwise it would have been really painful. Forget candy though....too hard for my teeth. Oh and Becca MADE the Darth Vadar costume and other parts of the other costumes. She's awesome!