E004 - The Book of Mormon - The Testimony of 3 Witnesses
The Book of Mormon read out loud for our family by Mom!Grab your copy of The Book of Mormon or request a copy here: https://www.mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon
The Book of Mormon is available online: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm
Disclaimer:: These are raw audio files, I'm not a professional (although your Dad is cause he's cool like that, you'll find him at MustachePower.com), yes your mom reads at varying speeds, and may or may not have almost fallen asleep at times, so brace yourself. ;)
Note to the public::
This podcast and these audio files are intended for our Winegar Family posterity and include some comments from Mom AKA Momentary, Dad & even our kids. The Book is blue, The Book is true, and I love you!See what mom is up to at LindaWinegar.com