Bumpy's 3D Ultrasound


So, after only seeing our little baby boy in an ultrasound at 20 weeks, we couldn't wait an entire 20 more weeks or D-Day (Delivery Day) to see him again. So...we scheduled a 3D Ultrasound roughly around the middle, at 28 weeks, and we're glad we did. We got to see him again! He's so cute and tiny and I think he looks like Clark. :) Here's some of the pictures we got from the 3D Ultrasound which was done at the 28 week mark on Tues. Oct 28, 2008.


They are a little weird at first but you get the idea. You can get 3D ultrasounds at Fetal Fotos or ask your Dr. We just got ours done at our Dr.'s office.

We also got a 12 min video (split up into 2 parts), it doesn't have music but it's pretty cool to see how the 3D stuff works.

Can't wait to see him in person! (but we don't want him to be early, just on-time.)

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.


  1. Amazing!!!! I am so excited for you guys.

  2. Oh, he does look like Clark. :) How fun. I bet you can hardly wait to just hold him in your arms and see him all the time!

  3. AAH! He has Clark's nose! And a cute little baby face! That's so awesome! I can't wait for your little guy to be out and ready for the cuddles that I will surely give him. Yay!

  4. Linda those images are amazing. You are so lucky to have them. Your baby is so cute. I just want to squeeze him.

  5. How cool!! We never had a 3D ultrasound with any of our boys, it was still new technology.
    Don't you just love him already? I am so excited for you guys!

  6. Wow! Amazing the detail! He is so cute! I love his little nose! Congrats! I bet you can't wait to meet him in person ... so when it's your due date? BTW you look radiant pregnant!
