Picketing to Raise Awareness


So today we made some signs and picketed in front of Pleasant Grove City Hall. Pictures of our efforts are below. Previous to today a small group of people from our community had gotten over 550 petitions signed to help prevent the facility from going in. They also canvased the neighborhood with over 1000 fliers to let people know to come and support this cause. A huge thanks goes to all of you who are doing this for our community and investing a lot of time and resources to help keep our children/future children and even women safe.


Why we're picketing: Prevent a Level 6* (Youth who engage in Sexual Misconduct) Facility in our neighborhood right on 300 E.   *"NOJOS Level 6 programs serve higher-risk youth who engage in sexual misconduct with a broad range of sexual-offense behaviors and who are often sexually-preoccupied. They may have persistent or fixated patterns of offending, use of force or weapons in committing their offenses and/or a display a propensity to act out with same-aged peers in addition to their younger victims. Level 6 youth, present a significant risk for reoffending sexually. It is not a locked facility. They possess risk too great to remain in the community.” There are 8-20 youth. [Sited from The Utah NOJOS Protocols and Standards Manual]

Did we accomplish our goal? Not just yet, but at least we did raise some awareness in the community. Our Neighborhood Committee received word from the Pleasant Grove City Attorney that "Alliance Youth Services will be taking their case to 4th District Court."  There will be no Board of Adjusters meeting in Nov and the committee, is now speaking with the committee's attorney to see what the next step will be. So I'll post any news later on.

News Article & Videos: Click here to read and view the information on Chanel 4 News.

P.S. We love that these kids can be helped but we don't think placing them in the center of a residential area (temptation area) would benefit anyone. They are normally placed far from residential areas because there is less temptation there. It's like placing an Alcoholics Rehab center next to a bar. Not good! That's just what we believe in.

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.