Shoveling Suburbia
I'm a little late on posting this up, but wanted to make sure it was here anyway. A couple of weeks ago, I participated in the 24-hour Marathon of the LDS Film Festival. Basically, you show up and the festival staff give you a theme, a line of dialog, and an object. Then your team (max of 5 people per team cast and crew) has 24 hours to conceive, write, film, and edit a 3-minute short film.This is the film our team came up with:
We came in 12th place with the judges and 5th place with the audience voting. It's hard to be objective when your own film is involved, but I really didn't feel like there were 11 films better than ours. Of course, I was unimpressed with the way the festival was run overall. Every event I went to started at least 30 minutes late and had technical difficulties. The awards ceremony had no agenda and the festival director kept asking the audience what to do next and how he should distribute the awards. I loved the challenge of making a film in 24 hours, but I don't know if I'd want to participate in the festival again.
Here's links to a couple other films I thought were very well done.
- #Pound# 646 - This one is hilarious. It won a well-deserved first place.
- Dream Fighter - I have no idea how they pulled this off in 24 hours. Very impressive. They got an honorable mention, but I thought they deserved better.
There were a couple of others that I liked as well, but I haven't seen them up on YouTube yet.