Kicked my trash!


Oh boy there is nothing better than when your body is all achy because you've just gotten the workout of your life. LOL Seriously I had the best workout at 5:20 am from the ASAP Boot Camp ladies, this morning. Note to self, don't shovel snow 2 days before going to work out for the first time, you'll look like huge weakling. It was also awesome to be able to experience it with my friends from the ward, who are so nice not to mention how clumsy I am and not laugh at me. It's interesting waking up that early. 1 of my 2010 goals is to wake up at 6am but 5am is actually perfect for working out. T2MHF4: A "sound mind and [especially] body." I really need to exercise more so I can keep up with my boys. Clark plays basketball to stay in great shape, so I need to workout too. Plus it makes me feel better about myself, even if it's for just a few min. I was tiered all day, but didn't regret the workout at all. (I am going to try and work out every M, W, F!)

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.