E012 - The Book Of Mormon - 1 Nephi 5


The Book of Mormon read out loud for our fam!

The Book of Mormon Online: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm
Grab your copy of The Book of Mormon or request a copy here if you don't have one: https://www.mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon

Disclaimer:: These are raw audio files, I'm not a professional (although your Father is, MustachePower.com), files are not edited (except for trimming length at times), yes your mom reads at varying speeds, and may or may not have almost fallen asleep at times, so brace yourself. ;)

Note to the public:: 

This podcast and these audio files are intended for our Winegar Family posterity and include some comments from Mom AKA Momentary, Dad & even our kids. Thoughts, feelings and comments are of their respective owners and intended for our children and posterity. If you are not our posterity, you take sole responsibility for taking any offense and we recommend this helpful advice from Elder David A. Bendar, an Apostle of The Lord, Jesus Christ:
"Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense."
The Book is blue, The Book is true, and I love you!
See what mom is up to at LindaWinegar.com

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.