Moving into a POD
No not an iPod. Moving into a P.O.D.S. So if you don’t know what PODS are they are Portable On Demand Storage. So you can have them come and drop the POD off at your house, you then fill it and they store it in some warehouse. When you want it back they bring it to wherever you need and then you empty it. We got the POD so we didn’t have to move the stuff 3 times into a storage Unit and then into our new house later. So this way we just load and unload 1 time.
We got the 12 foot pod to put the stuff we won't be able to use in the Apartment. But it also makes you think, if you won't need it for 6 months do you really need it? For us the answer was, yes. We stored our treadmill, recumbent bike, washer, dryer and some of the huge food storage cans.