Found an APT


We can move in! After living in a Hotel (La Quinta) for the past few days it's nice to be able to sleep in our own bed and have a place to put all of our stuff. :) Special thanks to Mikal (pronounced Michael) for coming and helping us move into the APT. He made it go so quickly. We moved into the Apt in like 1hr or 1hr and a half.  We had a little assembly line going. It was fast. :) And thanks to Dr. Dave Gordon (our friend and family Dentist) for his willingness to help even though we had just finished when he came over. We didn't think it was going to be that quick since it took us from 9am-7pm to pack the truck the weekend before.
APT=Duplex in Orem.
Mikal works with Clark at

Linda Winegar

My greatest blessings call me Mom.